
Below you will find pages that utilize the term “Swift”
June 11, 2022
$0, $1 … $n in Swift

In order to use any parameter in a closure or a higher-order function, we need to name the parameter inside the closure or higher-order function. …

June 4, 2022
Named and Unnamed Parameters: Swift

Functions are something that every developer uses daily. A function can of with or without parameters. Swift has multiple ways of passing the parameters to a function. …

May 29, 2022
Filter Operator: Swift

The collection is something which is used by almost everyone. It makes our life easy. Array, Set, and Dictionary are the best examples of them. …

May 28, 2022
Enumerated in Swift

Enumerated is used to iterate over a collection along with the position access. It returns a sequence of Pairs where the first element in the Pair is the index and the second element is the element itself of the collection. …

May 23, 2022
Labeled Statement : Swift

Swift has a few inbuilt features which make our life super easy. Labeled statements are one of them. It allows us to name a statement and later within the scope, that particular statement can be referenced using the label provided. …

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