
Below you will find pages that utilize the term “Swift”
February 22, 2023
Generics in Swift

Generics allow us to write functions, structures, and classes that can work with different types while maintaining type safety. Rather than specifying concrete types, we use placeholders (type parameters) that get substituted with actual types when the code is used. …

February 20, 2023
Variable Types in Swift

Swift is a powerful and versatile programming language that allows developers to create robust and efficient applications across various platforms. One of the fundamental aspects of Swift is its strong type system, which ensures safety and reliability in code. …

February 17, 2023
let vs var: Mutability in Swift

Swift is a powerful and modern programming language that allows developers to build robust and efficient applications for various platforms. One of the key features of Swift is its support for both immutable constants and mutable variables through the use of let and var declarations, respectively. …

February 13, 2023
Optional Type in Swift

Swift is a robust and modern programming language that prioritizes safety and reliability. One of the key features that contribute to Swift’s safety is its handling of optional types. …

January 31, 2023
Do While (Repeat While) Loop in Swift

Swift is a powerful and expressive programming language that offers a variety of loop structures to handle repetitive tasks efficiently. Among these, the do-while loop stands out as a loop that ensures the code inside the loop executes at least once, regardless of the loop’s condition. …

January 26, 2023
While Loop in Swift

In any programming language, loops are essential for performing repetitive tasks efficiently. Swift offers a variety of loop structures, and one of the most versatile ones is the while loop. …

August 22, 2022
For loop with where clause: Swift

For loop is an inevitable part of any programming language. It iterates over every element of the collection type data including array, set, and dictionary, and does the operation as per the code. …

August 16, 2022
Round up to n Decimal Digit: Swift

We sometimes in our calculation get results with more than 4 decimal digits or even more. But as a developer, we can’t use the same to display to users. …

July 20, 2022
Set: Swift

A set is an unordered collection of unique elements, meaning it does not allow duplicates. Swift’s Set data type ensures that each element occurs only once in the collection. …

June 19, 2022
Map Operator: Swift

The collection is something which is used by almost everyone. It makes our life easy. Array, Set, and Dictionary are the best examples of them. …

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