
Below you will find pages that utilize the term “Gist”
July 18, 2023
Bubble Sort : Swift

Bubble sort is a simple and straightforward sorting algorithm commonly used in computer science. In Swift language, Bubble sort works by repeatedly swapping adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order until the entire list is sorted. …

July 15, 2023
Carousel View : SwiftUI

A carousel view is a user interface component commonly used in mobile and web applications to display a collection of items in a horizontally scrolling manner. …

July 13, 2023
Linked List Implementation: Swift

A linked list is a data structure in Swift that consists of nodes linked together via pointers or references. Each node contains data and a reference to the next node. …

July 11, 2023
Remove duplicates from array: Swift

To remove duplicates from an array in Swift using a dictionary, we can create an empty dictionary and iterate through the array. …

July 8, 2023
Binary Serach : Swift

Binary search is an efficient search algorithm used to locate a specific element in a sorted array or list. It works by repeatedly dividing the search space in half until the target element is found. …

July 8, 2023
Merge 2 sorted Array: Swift

Merging two sorted Int arrays in Swift means combining them into a single sorted array while preserving the order. With Swift, you can efficiently implement the merging algorithm. …

July 8, 2023
Merge 2 sorted Linked List: Swift

Merging two sorted linked lists in Swift is like combining two ordered lists into one, while still maintaining the sorted order. …

July 5, 2023
Instagram Post : SwiftUI

Coding an Instagram post in SwiftUI is an engaging project. You can use various components like images, text, and buttons to design a post layout. …

July 3, 2023
Instagarm Logo : SwiftUI

Creating the Instagram logo in SwiftUI is an exciting task. Using basic shapes like circles, squares, and colors, you can piece together the iconic camera symbol and colorful gradient background. …

July 2, 2023
Insertion Sort : Swift

Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm in Swift that builds the final sorted array one element at a time. It iterates through the array, comparing each element with the sorted portion and placing it in the correct position. …

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