
Below you will find pages that utilize the term “Blog”
August 25, 2024
Count with where clause (count(where:)) in Swift

In Swift, the count(where:) method is a powerful tool for filtering and counting elements in a collection that meet specific criteria. …

August 19, 2023
Initializer in Swift

In Swift, initializers are fundamental building blocks that allow you to create instances of classes, structures, and enumerations by setting up their initial state. …

August 16, 2023
Thread Safety in Swift

Thread safety refers to a programming concept where data or resources are accessed and modified in a way that ensures correct behavior and prevents conflicts when multiple threads (concurrent execution units) are working with the same data simultaneously. …

August 14, 2023
Unowned vs Optional Unowned References in Swift

Memory management is a critical consideration in Swift development, and managing references is a key aspect of this. Two reference types that come into play are unowned and optional unowned references. …

August 12, 2023
Weak vs Unowned References in Swift

Memory management is a vital consideration when developing applications, and Swift provides developers with different reference types to manage memory effectively. …

August 10, 2023
Strong vs Weak vs Unowned References in Swift

In the world of Swift programming, memory management is a critical aspect that developers need to consider to create efficient and reliable apps. …

August 8, 2023
CoreData in SwiftUI

Merge data management seamlessly with UI. Model, persist, and update app data effortlessly using declarative syntax. Fetch, sort, and filter data effortlessly, ensuring a responsive and engaging user experience. …

August 6, 2023
Conditional Expressions in Swift

Conditional expressions lie at the heart of programming, allowing developers to make decisions and control the flow of their code. In Swift, these expressions provide the foundation for branching logic and executing different paths based on conditions. …

August 6, 2023
Retain Cycle in Swift

Swift’s automatic reference counting (ARC) system does a great job of managing memory, there’s a phenomenon called retain cycle that can sneakily lead to memory leaks. …

August 4, 2023
@objc in swift

The @objc attribute in Swift facilitates seamless interaction between Swift and Objective-C codebases by exposing Swift declarations to the Objective-C runtime. …

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