Blog / July 16, 2023 / 3 mins read / By Mahi Garg

Try Statement (Try vs Try? vs Try!) in SWift

Error handling is an integral part of any programming language, and Swift provides a versatile set of tools to handle errors effectively. In this blog post, we will unravel the differences between try, try?, and try! in Swift. We’ll explore the scenarios where each variant is most appropriate and provide real-world examples to illustrate their usage.

The Basics of Error Handling in Swift:

Before diving into the variations of try, let’s understand the fundamental concept of error handling in Swift. When a function can potentially throw an error, you mark it with the throws keyword. To call such a function, you use the try keyword to indicate that you’re aware of the possibility of an error being thrown.

Using try:

The standard try keyword is used to call a function that might throw an error. You wrap the function call in a do-catch block to handle the error gracefully.

enum NetworkError: Error {
    case noConnection
    case serverError(statusCode: Int)

func fetchData() throws {
    // Simulate a network error
    throw NetworkError.noConnection

do {
    try fetchData()
} catch {
    print("An error occurred: \(error)")

Using try?:

The try? keyword converts errors into optional values. If the function throws an error, the result is nil; otherwise, you receive an optional value.

func convertToNumber(_ string: String) throws -> Int {
    guard let number = Int(string) else {
        throw NSError(domain: "ConversionError", code: 1, userInfo: nil)
    return number

let result1 = try? convertToNumber("42") // Returns Optional(42)
let result2 = try? convertToNumber("abc") // Returns nil

Using try!:

The try! keyword is used when you are certain that an error will not be thrown. If an error does occur, it will result in a runtime crash. This variant should be used cautiously and only when you are absolutely certain that the operation will succeed.

let result3 = try! convertToNumber("123") // Forced unwrapping, assumes no error

Try vs Try? vs Try! and Use Cases:

  • Use try when you want to handle errors explicitly using a do-catch block.
  • Use try? when you are okay with the function returning nil if an error occurs and you don’t need detailed error information.
  • Use try! sparingly and only when you are certain that the operation will succeed, like during app initialization or when a failure would indicate a programming error.


In Swift, error handling is a powerful mechanism to ensure the stability and reliability of your applications. The choice between try, try?, and try! depends on the context and your specific needs. Use try for explicit error handling, try? for converting errors into optional values, and try! with caution when you’re confident about the success of an operation. By mastering these error handling variants, you can create more resilient and robust Swift code that handles unexpected scenarios gracefully. Happy error-free coding! 🚀
