Blog / August 4, 2023 / 3 mins read / By Mahi Garg

@objc in swift

The @objc attribute in Swift facilitates seamless interaction between Swift and Objective-C codebases by exposing Swift declarations to the Objective-C runtime. It’s used to bridge the gap when working with Objective-C frameworks, allowing Swift properties, methods, and classes to be recognized by the Objective-C world. This attribute plays a crucial role in achieving interoperability and integration between the two languages.

Understanding the @objc Attribute

The @objc attribute in Swift is used to expose Swift declarations (such as classes, properties, methods, enums, and protocols) to the Objective-C runtime. This attribute bridges the gap between Swift and Objective-C, allowing interoperability between the two languages.

Usage Scenarios

1. Interacting with Objective-C APIs

When you’re working with Objective-C frameworks or libraries, you often need to create Swift code that can be understood by the Objective-C runtime. By adding the @objc attribute, you can expose your Swift code to the Objective-C world seamlessly.

2. Exposing Swift Properties and Methods to Objective-C

Consider a scenario where you have a Swift class with properties and methods that you want to access from Objective-C code. Using the @objc attribute, you can make these elements available to the Objective-C runtime.

@objc class MySwiftClass: NSObject {
    @objc var name: String
    @objc func greet() {
        print("Hello from Swift!")

3. Creating Subclasses in Objective-C

By marking your Swift class with @objc, you can create subclasses of that class in Objective-C. This can be useful when you want to take advantage of Swift’s features while still working within an Objective-C codebase.

@objc class MyBaseClass: NSObject {
    // Swift implementation

class MySubclass: MyBaseClass {
    // Swift subclass implementation

Limitations and Considerations

While @objc provides a powerful bridge between Swift and Objective-C, there are some limitations and considerations to keep in mind:

  • Performance Overhead: Using @objc can introduce a performance overhead, as the Objective-C runtime imposes certain dynamic dispatch mechanisms that Swift doesn’t typically utilize.
  • Type Safety: When you expose Swift code to the Objective-C runtime, you might lose some of Swift’s type safety features, leading to potential runtime errors.
  • Feature Availability: Not all Swift features are automatically available in Objective-C. Some Swift-specific features might not work as expected or might need additional annotations or adjustments.

Real-World Example: Integrating Swift with Objective-C UI

Imagine you’re working on a Swift project and need to incorporate an Objective-C UI component. You can use the @objc attribute to make your Swift code interact seamlessly with the Objective-C UI.

import UIKit

@objc class MySwiftViewController: UIViewController {
    @objc func presentObjectiveCViewController() {
        let objectiveCViewController = ObjectiveCViewController()
        present(objectiveCViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

In this example, the MySwiftViewController class exposes the presentObjectiveCViewController method to Objective-C, allowing it to be called from an Objective-C context.


The @objc attribute serves as a vital bridge between Swift and Objective-C, enabling you to integrate the two languages and take advantage of both their features. By understanding its usage scenarios, limitations, and real-world examples, you can confidently leverage the power of @objc to create applications that seamlessly combine the strengths of both languages. Whether you’re interacting with Objective-C APIs or creating interoperable codebases, @objc is a valuable tool in your Swift development toolkit.
