Blog / March 14, 2023 / 3 mins read / By Mahi Garg

Dictionary: Swift

Dictionaries in Swift provide a key-value pair mechanism for efficient data storage and retrieval. They are implemented using hash tables, allowing fast access and modification of values based on keys. Dictionaries support operations like adding, removing, and iterating over elements. With constant time complexity for most operations, dictionaries are a powerful tool for organizing and managing data in Swift programming.

Let us explore syntax, usage, and various operations that can be performed on dictionay.

Creating a Dictionary:

In Swift, dictionaries are represented by the Dictionary<Key, Value> type, or simply [Key: Value]. Time complexity for creating an empty dictionary is O(1). Here’s how you can create an empty dictionary or initialize it with values:

// Empty Dictionary
var emptyDictionary: [String: Int] = [:]

// Initializing a Dictionary
var fruits = ["apple": 3, "banana": 5, "orange": 2]

Accessing and Modifying Values:

You can access values in a dictionary using their corresponding keys. If the key exists, the value will be returned; otherwise, it will return nil. Time complexity for accessing and modifying values in an dictionary is O(1). Here’s an example:

let numberOfApples = fruits["apple"] // returns 3

// Modifying values
fruits["banana"] = 10

Adding and Removing Elements:

To add elements to a dictionary, you can assign a value to a specific key. If the key already exists, the value will be updated; otherwise, a new key-value pair will be added. Removing elements can be done using the removeValue(forKey:) method. Time complexity of adding and removing element in dictionary is O(1). However, in some cases, the complexity can be O(n) due to the need to resize the underlying hash table. Examples:

fruits["kiwi"] = 4 // Adding a new element

fruits.removeValue(forKey: "orange") // Removing an element

Iterating over a Dictionary:

Swift provides several ways to iterate over the elements in a dictionary. You can use a for-in loop to access each key-value pair, or you can iterate over keys or values separately using the keys and values properties. Iterating over a dictionary has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary. This is because iterating requires visiting each element once. Here’s an example:

for (fruit, quantity) in fruits {
    print("There are \(quantity) \(fruit)s")

for fruit in fruits.keys {

for quantity in fruits.values {

Checking for the Existence of Keys and Values:

To check if a key or value exists in a dictionary, you can use the contains(where:) method or the keys.contains(:) and values.contains(:) properties. Checking for the existence of keys or values in a dictionary has an average time complexity of O(1). This is due to the efficient lookup mechanism provided by the hash table implementation. Here’s an example:

if fruits.contains(where: { $0.key == "apple" }) {
    print("Apple exists")

if fruits.values.contains(5) {
    print("There is a fruit with quantity 5")

Dictionary Operations and Properties:

Swift dictionaries provide various operations and properties to work with. Some notable ones include:

  • count: Returns the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary.
  • isEmpty: Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the dictionary is empty.
  • keys: Returns a collection containing all the keys in the dictionary.
  • values: Returns a collection containing all the values in the dictionary.
  • merge(_:uniquingKeysWith:): Merges the given dictionary with the current dictionary.
  • filter(_:): Returns a new dictionary containing the key-value pairs that satisfy the given predicate.


Dictionaries are powerful data structures that allow you to store and retrieve values using a key-value pair mechanism. In Swift, dictionaries are easy to use and provide various operations for manipulating and accessing data efficiently. By understanding the concepts and techniques covered in this blog post, you are now equipped to work with dictionaries effectively in Swift. Happy coding! 🚀
