Swift’s powerful generics system allows developers to write flexible and reusable code. One of the core features of generics is associated types, which are used in protocols to define placeholder types that get specified later when the protocol is adopted by a class, struct, or enum. Understanding associated types is crucial when working with Swift’s protocols, and in this blog, we’ll explore their concept, usage, and real-world examples.
What Are Associated Types?
Associated types in Swift are placeholders that define types that will be provided when a protocol is adopted. They allow protocols to work with generic types without specifying what those types are upfront. When you declare an associated type, you’re essentially saying, “I don’t care what the type is right now, but the conforming type will specify it later.”
You declare an associated type in a protocol using the associatedtype
protocol SomeProtocol {
associatedtype Item
func doSomething(with item: Item)
In this protocol, Item
is an associated type. Any type that conforms to SomeProtocol
will need to define what Item
refers to.
Why Use Associated Types?
Associated types make protocols more flexible by allowing them to work with generic types. Instead of defining a protocol that works with one specific type, you can define a protocol that works with any type, which will be specified later when the protocol is implemented.
Basic Example
Let’s start with a simple example. Suppose we want to create a protocol for a container that can hold items of any type. We don’t know the type of the items at the time of protocol declaration, but the conforming type will specify it later.
protocol Container {
associatedtype Item
var items: [Item] { get set }
func add(item: Item)
func getItem(at index: Int) -> Item
Here, Container
is a protocol that defines an associated type Item
. The protocol also defines an array items
that holds elements of type Item
and functions to add and retrieve items from the container.
Now, let’s conform to this protocol using a StringContainer
that holds strings:
struct StringContainer: Container {
var items: [String] = []
func add(item: String) {
func getItem(at index: Int) -> String {
return items[index]
In this case, the associated type Item
is specified as String
when the protocol is adopted by StringContainer
. We can now use the StringContainer
to store strings:
var myContainer = StringContainer()
myContainer.add(item: "Hello")
myContainer.add(item: "World")
print(myContainer.getItem(at: 0)) // Output: Hello
Using Associated Types with Multiple Types
Associated types are not limited to single types; you can create more complex examples where protocols have multiple associated types.
For instance, let’s say we want to create a protocol for a dictionary-like data structure that maps keys to values.
protocol KeyValueStore {
associatedtype Key
associatedtype Value
func setValue(_ value: Value, forKey key: Key)
func getValue(forKey key: Key) -> Value?
Here, the protocol KeyValueStore
defines two associated types: Key
and Value
. This protocol can be used to build any dictionary-like structure that maps any type of key to any type of value.
We can now create a struct that conforms to this protocol:
struct DictionaryStore: KeyValueStore {
var storage: [String: Int] = [:]
func setValue(_ value: Int, forKey key: String) {
storage[key] = value
func getValue(forKey key: String) -> Int? {
return storage[key]
Here, the associated types Key
and Value
are specified as String
and Int
, respectively. Now, we can use this store to map strings to integers:
var store = DictionaryStore()
store.setValue(42, forKey: "Answer")
print(store.getValue(forKey: "Answer") ?? "Not found") // Output: 42
Associated Types with Constraints
You can add constraints to associated types by specifying that they must conform to a certain protocol. This is useful when you want to restrict the types used in a protocol to specific kinds of types.
For example, let’s modify the Container
protocol to ensure that the items it holds must conform to the Equatable
protocol Container {
associatedtype Item: Equatable
var items: [Item] { get set }
func add(item: Item)
func contains(item: Item) -> Bool
By using Item: Equatable
, we specify that Item
must conform to the Equatable
protocol. Now, any type that conforms to Container
must use a type that supports equality comparison.
Here’s how we can adopt this modified Container
struct IntContainer: Container {
var items: [Int] = []
func add(item: Int) {
func contains(item: Int) -> Bool {
return items.contains(item)
Since Int
conforms to Equatable
, this implementation works fine:
var intContainer = IntContainer()
intContainer.add(item: 5)
intContainer.add(item: 10)
print(intContainer.contains(item: 5)) // Output: true
print(intContainer.contains(item: 7)) // Output: false
Associated Types and Type Erasure
One of the challenges with associated types is that they make it harder to work with protocols in a generic way. Since associated types are not concrete until a type conforms to the protocol, you can’t use the protocol as a type by itself. This can be solved using type erasure.
For example, if we try to use the Container
protocol as a type directly, Swift won’t allow it because the associated type is not specified:
// This won't compile because `Container` has an associated type.
var container: Container
To work around this, we use type erasure to create a concrete type that hides the associated type, allowing us to use the protocol as a type. A common way to do this is by creating a wrapper around the protocol:
struct AnyContainer<T: Equatable>: Container {
private let _add: (T) -> Void
private let _contains: (T) -> Bool
private var _items: [T]
var items: [T] {
get { return _items }
set { _items = newValue }
init<C: Container>(_ container: C) where C.Item == T {
_items = container.items
_add = container.add
_contains = container.contains
func add(item: T) {
func contains(item: T) -> Bool {
return _contains(item)
Now, you can use AnyContainer
as a concrete type:
let container = AnyContainer(IntContainer())
Real-World Example: Swift’s Collection Protocol
Swift’s standard library uses associated types extensively. One prominent example is the Collection protocol, which defines how types like arrays, sets, and dictionaries behave.
protocol Collection {
associatedtype Element
var count: Int { get }
func element(at index: Int) -> Element
defines an associated type Element
, which represents the type of the items stored in the collection. When you adopt Collection
, you specify what Element
will be, allowing the protocol to be used with any type of collection.
Associated types are a powerful feature in Swift’s generics system, allowing protocols to define placeholder types that are specified when the protocol is adopted. They make protocols flexible and adaptable to different types, enabling developers to write highly reusable and efficient code. Whether you’re defining containers, key-value stores, or working with Swift’s standard library protocols, associated types are key to mastering Swift’s protocol-oriented programming.